Thursday 30 September 2010

Reflection on my SWOT analysis

                Looking back at my SWOT I can’t help feel that with all the weaknesses I have, is it even possible for me to achieve the standard that I expect in myself. I decided well before I entered this course I would do the best I could, this attitude has not changed but this analysis has shown me that it is not just the course that requires my concentration and effort. I must conquer my own failings before I can move forward to be the best I can.

I must not be too critical on myself though, identifying where my strengths lie has also been an eye opener. I know that I can use the experiences I have developed over the years of full time work, my ability to see deeper into things and my logical thinking to improve my standings in this experience with a hope that I may be able to remove some of my weaknesses from this list.

                Looking towards the future, this experience can only be beneficial to me. Any outcome from this will develop me not only academically but also me as a person. Even when circumstances threaten to block my progress I must learn to confront, and surpass them.

1 comment:

  1. Good and useful reflection.
    I agree with your comment dont be too hard on yourself.
