Monday 4 October 2010

Reflection of my Learning Style.

                I have always been sceptical of all personality questionnaires, although they are based on scientific studies I believe they can be skewed by many different stimuli at the time of taking the test. Saying this, I have attempted both the VARK questionnaire and the Memletics Learning Styles Inventory with an open mind in the attempt to provide myself with some direction to improve my studies.

VARK Questionnaire.
                The results of this test show that I am multimodal in my learning style. I ended up running this test twice (one paper-based and one internet based) just to make sure that I didn’t have any preferences towards any particular learning style but no, both tests came back even across all aspects of VARK.

                I believe that this could benefit me in my learning because being multimodal I can adjust my style to what the situation requires. I must confess these results have surprised me.

I have always been exposed to “on the job” training and I would have thought a kinaesthetic style would have become more prominent in the results. I still believe this is to be my preferred choice in studying style but I understand that I should not limit myself just to this one approach.

                Looking at the results I can’t help feel frustrated that I had no clear learning style to focus on. From this I must establish my own learning style drawn from all aspects of VARK taking on what engages me most and finding better ways to learn from those that don’t.
Memletics learning Style Inventory.
                Of the two tests, I found this to be more thorough and ultimately more helpful in defining where I should focus my learning style.

Before taking the test I indicated where I though my strengths and weaknesses fell on the graph above (RED). As you can see I believed I was very logical adopting a physical approach and believed I was happier working solo.

                Although the results (GREEN) came back generally average (similar to the VARK Questionnaire) it is easy to identify where my strengths lie. Contrary to how I felt, social working and aural study are a greater influence than I expected where as logic remained consistent. My biggest surprise was my solitary score, less than half the score I thought it to be, it shows that I may actually be more receptive to outside support than I first thought.

                From these tests it is clear that I should focus my efforts logical, planning my time were ever possible and absorb whatever information visually or written to achieve my goals.

1 comment:

  1. Very good!
    Dont worry too much about being multimodal!
    Excellent reflection!
