Thursday 30 September 2010

Reflection on my SWOT analysis

                Looking back at my SWOT I can’t help feel that with all the weaknesses I have, is it even possible for me to achieve the standard that I expect in myself. I decided well before I entered this course I would do the best I could, this attitude has not changed but this analysis has shown me that it is not just the course that requires my concentration and effort. I must conquer my own failings before I can move forward to be the best I can.

I must not be too critical on myself though, identifying where my strengths lie has also been an eye opener. I know that I can use the experiences I have developed over the years of full time work, my ability to see deeper into things and my logical thinking to improve my standings in this experience with a hope that I may be able to remove some of my weaknesses from this list.

                Looking towards the future, this experience can only be beneficial to me. Any outcome from this will develop me not only academically but also me as a person. Even when circumstances threaten to block my progress I must learn to confront, and surpass them.

My learning Line

Thursday 23 September 2010

SWOT Analysis


I plan for as many outcomes as possible that I have control over

Once my mind is focused on a goal I will try my best to achieve it

Working in retail for 7 years has given me opportunities to work with customers across various product ranges on a one to one basis

Always up for social events with my mates

I take thinks one step at a time trying to take the most efficient approach to the challenge

Technical knowledge
Easily able to grasp how technology works

Hard Working
Will always work as hard as I can

Willing to change my plans where possible to suit the needs of the situation


Poor handwriting skills
My handwriting skills never fully developed although remain legible, because of this
I prefer to type most documents

Liable to procrastinate
In the past I have missed homework assignments, missed deadlines because “I had better things to do”

People skills
I can find it hard to relate to people at first, and can appear closed off

Easy to provoke
I can be drawn in to arguments easily and always prepared to voice my opinion

Left handed
Being left handed I have had to adjust to a world build for right handed people and small things like not being able to cut a piece of paper in a straight line due to the scissors is frustrating


New career
On completion of this course I will have access to a new tier of working environment not only in engineering but many other industries

Enhance knowledge base
I will be exposed to a greater understanding of the engineering field

Personal development
I hope to overcome some of my weaknesses and become a stronger person from this experience

Further academic progression
The ability to progress my education further to a Masters Degree level


Failing to complete work set
Without the repetition of personal study time I could find myself failing to achieve

Work requirements
While working alongside this course in an uncommon sector I may be distracted from my priorities

Personal circumstances may change to the point where I may not complete this course

First Of Many?

This I suppose is where it will all start; not being someone who is usually involved in this sort of blogging scene I can see this being quite a challenge.

While spending the first hour playing around with the various background colours and putting a fish tank on my main screen (really cool by the way) I realised that the main content of a blog is actually the text, usually a critique about some 2 star Michelin restaurant who served cold soup with suspicious croutons floating around in it. Although I could complain about a hotel I once stayed in that smelt like a cabbage patch, I have no real capacity for complaining. Life is good taking it one day at a time you get through it and that’s the ultimate goal isn’t it?

Anyways the reason I have this blog and ultimately why I’m sitting here with a coffee (just watched the new go compare advert, it made me chuckle) typing away is to remain in contact with my engineering group at uni and to help keep a record of my learning and experiences over the next few years. (Is it just me or has the standard of music on Kerrang! and Scuzz dropped as of recent?) I suppose I should sign off and call it a day with this blog, catch you’s later.
Random Specimen.